I offer individual therapy for adults 18 years of age and older, both in-person and via teletherapy.



Stress and worry can overwhelm us at times, causing spiraling thoughts that convince us to stay vigilant against all possible threats. Anxiety is a natural part of life and an integral part of our nervous systems; however, the anxiety response can become unbalanced when left unchecked. In our work together, my hope is to help you improve your relationship with your feelings and soothe your nervous system by learning to embody your emotions and regulate in moments of distress.

Difficult Life Transitions

Life’s milestones are supposed to be happy times in our lives, we’re told. Sometimes, our expectations are unrealistic, or unkind to ourselves. Other times, life’s transitions may challenge us in new, possibly scarier, ways. Whether you’re in a new relationship, going off to college, starting a family, or even experiencing loss of some kind - these are life’s milestones. And we are not built to go through them alone. In our work together, we’ll find ways to understand and adjust your expectations, and better navigate the loneliness and difficulties that come with change.

Relationship Difficulties

Our sense of belonging in this world is crucial to a strong sense of identity, well-being, and meaning in life. We get to know ourselves in relation to other people - our families, friends, partners, colleagues, etc. But relationships do not come without their struggles. In our work together, we will uncover what causes you to connect and disconnect from those close to you in your life. We’ll understand how these interpersonal changes impact you, and how to move through the discomfort inherent to interpersonal growth.

Sense of Self

Who we are and how we are in this world has an impact on everything else in our lives. If you think little of yourself, chances are, you will convince yourself you are undeserving or not enough. But that mindset is fluid and changeable. We only take up as much space in the world as we believe we’re worthy of. In our work together, we will find new ways of expanding and enriching your sense of self, creating more stability and fullness in your life.

Family of Origin Issues

Who our families are and how we were raised sets the stage for our sense of place in this world - for better or worse. Contrary to what many may think, the purpose of work around family in the therapeutic space is not to demonize or blame the people who raised us; instead, it is a time to gather important information about the initial attachments in our lives and how these attachments influence our abilities to connect with ourselves and others. In our work together, we will explore and process your place in your family system, as well as the impact it has had (and continues to have) on your emotional well-being, sense of self, and relationships.


Hard, and sometimes even horrific, things can happen in our lives. What makes a trauma traumatic is rooted in the way it impacts you. If a distressing event (or events) causes you to have a lasting emotional response, challenging your view of the world as a safe, just, and predictable place, then you may have been exposed to trauma. Healing from trauma is entirely possible, and recent brain research shows us that new brain growth and rewiring of the brain can happen at any age. In our work together, we will seek to find and understand all parts of you, linking them to the inherent and old healing part of you to improve greater connection with yourself and the outside world.